Price History
Diamonds vs. Gold vs. Silver

Historically, diamonds had a negative correlation to other commodities including gold and silver, largely because diamonds had no institutional demand. Since mid 2018, diamonds were left out of the global macrocycle. Today, the diamond commodity provides effective diversification for any portfolio.




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Source: Bloomberg and Polished Prices

Latest Research

Finally, Diamonds are an Institutional Asset

A summary of academic research about diamonds, their return history, and lack of correlation to other assets. Bibliography for analysts with links to dozens of references.

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The Outlook for Diamond Prices

An analysis of the demand inflection points that are expected to impact the adoption of the Diamond Standard Commodity in the institutional market.

Read White paper

Bloomberg Infographic

Developed by the infographic experts at Bloomberg, a detailed overview of the Diamond Standard Commodities, and their role as a diversified asset.

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Diamond Standard Customer Journey

A detailed infographic walking through the creation of a Diamond Standard Commodity.


A Rare and Timely Opportunity

While treasured for hundreds of years, diamonds are the only top-ranked precious natural resource not commonly held by investors. Diamond Standard is unlocking the value of diamonds as an asset for the first time in the form of a

Easily traded product

— just like gold bars.

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